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We compared the Best Personal Loans. Personal Loans can be a great alternative to credit cards for large or unexpected expenses. Fast & easy online appliations. Get a loan today!
Q. What happens if I can’t pay?
If you think that you will either be late or miss a payment, we suggest contacting your lender immediately.
Q. Why do some lenders have Early Payment Fees for paying off a loan early?
A lender makes money from the interest that is charged every month. If a borrower repays the loan earlier than expect...
Q. What is an Origination Fee?
When you take out a loan, oftentimes there is an origination fee, or a processing fee. This is a one-time fee that he...
Q. What is a credit score?
Your credit score quantifies the information in your credit report. This allows lenders to set a standard for loan ap...
Q. What is a credit report?
Your credit report consists of historical information about how you’ve managed debt in the past and gives lenders and...
Q. What is the interest rate and how is it determined?
The interest rate is the cost you pay to take out a loan, and is calculated as a percentage of your base loan amount....
Q. Who can get a personal loan?
Anyone can apply for a personal loan. However, each lender has different requirements for who is eligible for a loan ...
Q. What can I use a Personal Loan for?
From a planned expense (like remodeling your home or planning a wedding) to the unexpected (like medical emergencies ...